Basketball Games

Basketball is one of the most popular games of our time. And although most of the boys still want to become football players, basketball games are also exciting for many, and the big matches attract entire stadiums of fans. First of all, basketball is developed in America, while it is not popular in Russia. However, in some schools, there are sections dedicated to this sport. But not everyone has the opportunity to participate in these kinds of sections or a basketball club. If you are one of those people, don’t worry, because we got your back. By playing these awesome basketball games, you will truly feel like a real basketball star.Image result for basketball star clipart


Before playing basketball online, let’s find out how this beautiful game appeared. For the first time, basketball appeared in the United States, and, compared to other sports, it appeared quite recently, just at the beginning of the 20th century. What is surprising, it was invented by an ordinary physical education teacher, who hung two baskets with a bottom cut to a height of several meters and made his students try to get the ball in them. Such an exercise, in his opinion, was perfect for coordination, jumping, strengthening leg muscles and precision. Also, such the students enjoyed this exercise so much that in just half a year, the whole school started playing this game. freetetrisgames-weeble-basketballAfter ten months, in 1892, the teachers had invented the first rules of a team game, then the first team competitions appeared. In the future, the rules were greatly processed and changed, special equipment appeared for the zone where the matches were held, and basketball itself spread to most schools in the district.

Free online basketball games are mostly not a team simulator, but simply throwing the ball into the basket from different distances and on various engines. In general, this is quite an exciting and addictive activity that both boys and girls will surely enjoy. Basketball has firmly entered our lives and will be popular for a very long time.


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Your Favorite Game Tetris

You can read a lot about several games that have been developed recently, but there is only little about Tetris. This is a game that took the attention of many young people who lived during the 1980s. These people are still passionate about Tetris and have nice memories about the game. These bricks falling like a gift from heaven became the most favorite computer characters.

tetris_song_1The soundtrack of the Tetris game is a composition of German dance group Scooter and the Russian folk song Peddlers.

You can always play the best Tetris Games for free and have ful all day long.



The Tetris syndrome is not a myth. It initially appeared in 1996 and it referred to hallucinations that appeared after a long period of time playing computer games. It was described as a feeling like Game Overdose and people started to see everything in an appropriate line for the game of Tetris form.


Andrew Lloyd Webber was a British composer who wrote his own music and had six pieces at the age of nine. He is an author of the songs in some of the most popular musicals like Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Evita etc. Webber also had a creative hand in creating a hit under the name Eurodance Tetris.


Tetris can make you smarter. This has been proven by researches that have been studied the brain during a gameplay of 30 minutes a day for three months. The results of the experiment showed a positive trend of structural changes in the brain areas which were responsible for critical thinking, the ability to perform calculation and reaction speed.


In the past and in the future Tetris was and always will be the most epic game for some gamers. If you are one of them, join us in this fabulous Tetris adventure.

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Fun Tetris Facts

tetris7Read interesting facts that you already new (or maybe not) about your favorite game.

  • 2014 is the year when Tetris honors its own thirtieth birthday. A lot of people around the world are really experiencing the fantastic concept of Tetris gameplay.
  • The overall game developer is Alexey Pajitnov, that had an idea to make users happy instead of be scared from the then new machines known as computer systems.
  • The further progression of Tetris has been very messy, but amongst people it was a top video game.
  • The game has been initially produced on Elektronika 60, but later it has been imported towards IBM PC. Over the last years of the Eighties Nintendo took control over Tetris. Among the issues that appeared to Alexey Pajitnov was basically the fact that he didn’t get royalties for his work, not for a ten years. However that wasn’t an issue for this man, simply because he says he was very proud and happy to see the players enjoy the video game. Here’s a beautiful version of the Tetris Theme Variation on Piano-Коробейники (Korobeiniki), performed by Kyle Landry. Enjoy it!
  • At the same time, Alexey also designed a few other puzzle video games, but none of these reached that magnificence as Tetris did.
  • As everything else related to Tetris the theme track is also a Soviet folk song that nevertheless was founded during the 19th century representing a romantic story about a peddler and a gorgeous lady.
  • If you ever played out Tetris and also reached the result of almost 999,999 take a look at your self as a real Tetris pro, due to the fact that the game does not have any end and also it doesn’t allow the player cross over one million points.
  • The greatest form of this game has been competed on the 437 feet skyscraper, although the tiniest with a digital microscope.
  • Tetris is definitely true art work. It even features functioning model at the Museum of Modern Art at New York City.
  • You can find a bunch of free online Tetris games here.
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